India's rural women are treated as second-class citizens from the day they are born until the day they die. They have no choices, simply because they are female. They receive less education, less medical care, and even less food.
Ultimately, Kerusomen partners support women to stand on their own and discover God's power to help them change their own lives. Because we know that God has a plan to prosper them, a plan to give them hope and a future. All they need is a chance to discover (and the confidence to boldly use) their God-given talents.
Your gift of ANY amount goes directly to the mission field bringing tools and training in Jesus' name to help widows, single women and moms lift themselves out of poverty and equip them to reach out to friends and neighbors who have never heard of Jesus.
It doesn’t matter how much you can give. It’s all about what God can accomplish through us when we work together. KGM Women's Ministry partners choose the Women's Ministry that God lays on their heart and the funds are pooled. Then they are sent to Kerusomen Foundation India (KFI) regularly, to replenish that particular ministry fund. Finally, KFI passes them on to native missionary-pastors who manage and distribute them to women in their villages.
KGM Women's Ministry partners have helped hundreds of women, widows, moms and their children in India achieve their dreams of restored dignity, self-support, and a better future for their children.
ISOS WOMEN'S SAVINGS & BUSINESS GROUPS At the weekly meetings these women find companionship, encouragement, learn how to save, get skills training, and hear – perhaps for the first time – that
they ARE VALUABLE because God, their Father, loves them. Click the ISOS icon to learn more.
FARM ANIMALS Providing a starter flock of chickens or a female goat takes the worry women and widows have about a steady supply of healthy food for their children. One farm fresh egg a day can prevent stunting in children; goats milk and the soap that's made from it provide healthy protein and hygiene that keep illness at bay. The excess eggs and milk products can be sold giving women a steady source of income. Click the animal icon to learn more.

You won’t find any women pastors more dedicated to uplifting the lives of women than Pastor Kathy Caprio and Pastor Anju Simon. These two Kerusomen leaders work together (9,000 miles apart!) creating and conducting KGM women’s practical and spiritual training for women here and in India. Filled to overflowing with love for their Lord, they eagerly pour out that love to the ladies He’s called them to serve.
Kathy serves as pastor to Friends Needing Friends Widow Ministry, a KGM local impact partner. She also serves as a KGM USA Volunteer Board Member who works tirelessly to ensure that every aspect of this ministry brings praise and glory to God alone.
Pastor Anju Simon leads a KGM Bible Church in Kerala, India and is Director of KGM India Women’s Ministries. Under her leadership, the Kerusomen Women's Ministry in India is growing and even flourishing. Empowering India’s at-risk women is a priority to Pastor Anju; she is absolutely determined to help India’s women in practical ways that will last from generation to generation.
By the grace of God, we have the opportunity to intercede for India's women by supporting Pastor Anju's efforts to give them practical help and the and the much needed hope that is found only in Christ.WHERE DOES MY MONEY GO?
they ARE VALUABLE because God, their Father, loves them. Click the ISOS icon to learn more.
FARM ANIMALS Providing a starter flock of chickens or a female goat takes the worry women and widows have about a steady supply of healthy food for their children. One farm fresh egg a day can prevent stunting in children; goats milk and the soap that's made from it provide healthy protein and hygiene that keep illness at bay. The excess eggs and milk products can be sold giving women a steady source of income. Click the animal icon to learn more.

BIBLE STORY SCARF MINISTRY India's women want to share their faith in Jesus but often feel intimidated by their lack of education and lower status in caste society. Sending a woman to Bible Story Scarf training not only removes those fears, but through the Holy Spirit's presence and their training, these women become bold evangelists fully equipped to tell God's story accurately, from Genesis to Revelation. Click the scroll scarf icon to learn more.
WIDOW RESCUE MINISTRY No matter the cause of death - by accident, illness, or suicide - a widow in India is often declared cursed and is rejected by her neighbors, her community, and even her family. Unlike American widows who are cherished and emotionally supported by friends and family, at her time of greatest need India's widow is left completely alone. KGM pastor-missionaries rescue many of these widows and KGM partners here provide funding for monthly food and medicine. Then if a widow's health permits, they are recommended to one of our sustainable income ministries to become self-supporting. Click the widow icon to learn more.