Friday, May 31, 2019

KGM in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana , India

Pictures from KGM's Visit to 15 Churches in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 

Pastor Saha and Anju are welcomed to Andhra Pradesh
Saha and Anju Simon, the leaders of Kerusomen Gospel Ministries in India, just returned from a 10 day mission trip in which they visited more than 12 churches in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states.  So this month, I want to give you some background on the region they visited.

Andhra Pradesh is the seventh largest state in India with the 10th largest population estimated to be more than 54 million in 2019.  If Andhra Pradesh were an independent country, it would be the 26th most populous country in the world with more people than South Korea, or Colombia or Spain to name a few.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Urgent Prayer Request

Urgent Prayer Request

This year India moved up into the top 10 on the World Watch list for Christian persecution. 
Pastor Saha has been holding church services and conducting all Kerusomen India operations from his home, a residential zone in Kerala.  Over time, his non-Christian neighbors have become more and more aggressive in their efforts to stop him. Because this is a residential area, Pastor Saha has had to proceed carefully but God has blessed his ministry with tremendous growth, despite this growing persecution...

Saturday, May 4, 2019

India Widows "Condemned to Live"

Have you ever thought about what you would do if your spouse died?

Ranjana Kumari, Director Center for Social Research, India
For those of you who aren't married, think of your parents and use your imagination.

In my case, on top of losing the man that I love, I know my life would be inevitably changed in multiple ways. And more than that, I imagine being a widow is like, well, losing a part of your identity and getting a new one you never, ever wanted.

BUT, I know my Savior lives and I know He loves widows so I am at peace, knowing He will be by my side all the way home.

But what if I didn't know Jesus?  What if I grew up in a culture where everyone I care about believed my being a widow was all my fault.

Worse, what if I believed that, too?

This video news report depicts how this devastating belief impacts the lives of millions of Indian women who are widows.

This video contains excerpts from a 25 minute news report. Widows of Vrindavan
In the video, Ranjana Kumari, pictured above, made a haunting statement about the life of widows in India:  "Their life unfolds before them as if they are not a person, but just a kind of living being, condemned to live."

How Can We Change This Hopeless Mindset?  

Because widows in India find little and often no help from their Hindu religion,their culture, or their family, imagine how they respond when they meet Jesus....

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