Women Helping Women l KGM's Women Missionaries in India

Empowering India’s at-risk women is a priority to Pastor Anju Simon, founder and Director of Kerusomen's Womens Ministries. She is absolutely determined to help India’s women in practical ways that will last from generation to generation. In this video taken on our Mission trip in late 2019, she shares her heart for this important ministry.

Daisy and every other woman you saw in the video are extremely poor and illiterate but they do not want charity. They are women of all faiths who are strong, tenacious, intelligent and motivated. Women who are working hard every day to make a better life for themselves and their children – just as we are. The only difference is, we were born here, and they were born in India. 

At the weekly meetings these women find companionship, encouragement, learn how to save, get skills training, and hear – perhaps for the first time – that they ARE VALUABLE because God, their Father, loves them.

By the grace of God, we have the opportunity to intercede for these women by supporting KGM Women Pastors like Pastor Anju, who live among them offering practical help and the and the much needed hope that is found only in Christ.  

Three ways you can take action today.

There are 15 KGM women pastors who need your prayers. Call or text Kathy Caprio today to get linked to a specific KGM woman missionary in prayer. 561.358.7635
2. PROCLAIM GOD'S WORKS THROUGH THEIR STORIES by sharing them with everyone.
Find stories you'll love to share here at kerusomen.org, follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our free bi-monthly newsletter.

3. PARTNER / INVEST IN THEIR MISSION. You can be God’s answer to their prayers by investing in their ministries. Join our monthly giving community. 

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