From 1,000 kids in 2022 to 6,000 last year, God has exploded the growth and impact of KGM’s Dessert Dash for Vacation Bible School - all because of you!
Every year Kerusomen Gospel Ministries helps disadvantaged kids in India attend a week of Vacation Bible School at over 100 native churches we’ve helped to plant in India. Over 70% of these children come from non-Christian homes and 100% of the gifts given at this event go right to the mission field for the VBS ministry.
If you've never been to a Dessert Dash before you are in for a real treat. Expect to enjoy some of the most amazing desserts you've ever tasted from PB County’s best bakeries and some wonderful dining companions. Seriously, we always have a ball. Space is limited at this popular event so RSVP now: Call or text Kathy Caprio at 561.358.7635