Children in India love the fun they have at Sunday and Vacation Bible School. They play games, learn Bible stories, and sing action songs. But it's the love they receive from the pastors you sent, that keeps them coming back. Through their love, the children begin to discover Jesus, the One who loves them even more.

Counselling and Guidance:

The native KGM Pastors you send are "committed to care for the children" in their villages through Sunday School, VBS, and follow-up in-home visits, writes Pastor Saha Simon, Director of KGM India, "Many children, like their parents, are addicted to mobiles (social media), alcohol, and other evil perversions. It is our duty to counsel and guide them. Our Children's Ministries are the door-opener to Christ for non-Christian parents and children."

Family Transformation:

Sunday and Vacation Bible schools can pioneer ministry work that transforms families and entire villages. Sometimes children are the only ones open to hearing the Good News when KGM pastors first visit a village. Their excitement about what they've heard can motivate parents to find out more, which can open doors for KGM pastors to share God's love with the entire family.

It might start with a song the parents hear the child singing or a Bible Story they learned and share with the family. Sometimes it's the child's improved behavior that peaks the curiosity of Mom and Dad. Other times it's something more serious.
When Asheena's little brother fell ill the parents were frantic. Asheena watched as conventional medical advice and prayers to Hindu gods failed. Finally, the child's fear for her brother gave her the boldness to insist her father ask Jesus to heal him and she took him to meet Pastor Saha who prayed for her brother. When the boy was healed, the entire family started attending church.                                                            

Food Security & Education

Exposure to Sunday School and VBS puts the child's family on our KGM pastors' radar. Visits to the home for prayer reveal physical needs that our pastors seek to meet through our widow rescue, women's savings and training groups, and the Gifts of Hope animal-rearing ministries.

Babymol has three children and her husband struggles with alcohol addiction. She lives in a mud hut with a tin sheet roof, barely able to provide her three young children food, much less schooling.  When KGM Pastors Saha and Anju learned during their visits that she was determined to get her children an education, they knew God wanted them to help.  Today Babymol is grateful for your gift of chickens that is blessing this family with food and the money for tuition she prayed for.

  God bless you for giving access to the Word and the love of God through your investment in KGM pastors. You are creating lasting life change for children and their families. 


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