Elevate! Smile

Welcome to Elevate! Smile

Adapted from the resource Power Thoughts Devotional - by Joyce Meyer

A Happy Heart Is Good Medicine
The more I ponder it, the more amazed I am that I can immediately increase or decrease my joy and the joy of others by simply choosing to say good things.
Joy is vital! Nehemiah 8:10 tells us joy is our strength. No wonder the devil works overtime trying to do anything he can to diminish our joy. Don’t sit by and let it happen to you. Fight the good fight with faith-filled words, releasing joy into the very atmosphere you are in.
Jesus came to bring good news and glad tidings of great joy, to overcome evil with good. He wants you to be as committed as He is to finding and magnifying the good in everything. Do yourself a favor and say something good!
Prayer Starter: Father, Help me to focus on the good things in life today and choose to live with joy. Let me to also use my words to be a source of joy to others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Corny Jokes

My friend's husband bought a map of the world. He gave her a dart and told her to throw it at the map. He said he would take her on a two week vacation where ever it landed...

So when the pandemic is over they will be spending two weeks behind the refrigerator!


Tom's corny joke:

"If you're feeling down just remember...6 out of 7 of the dwarfs aren't HAPPY!"


Anonymous Online: 
A man found a cockroach in the kitchen. He cleaned and sterilized the every surface much to the delight of his wife who praised his efforts profusely.  Smiling to herself she thought, "Tomorrow I'm going to move the cockroach to the bathroom."

For Dog Lovers

Man finds ingenious way to walk the dog
 during isolation - a drone!

Pluto the Pup with Pandemic Tips

Who needs weightwatchers?
For Cat Lovers

During a TP shortage this is no longer cute!
 What's the big deal about social distancing?

For Everybody!

Just saying...

A quick lesson in supply & demand...

Oh to be back in the good old days...

So true...

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